How To Fix WordPress RSS Feed Summary/Excerpt

With Google’s Panda update being as erratic as ever, most bloggers are now turning to their RSS feeds to augment their monthly traffic/adsense earnings. They’ve all switched from offering full feeds to summary feeds so that their readers have to visit the main website to read the rest of the article.

Unfortunately, activating summary feeds on self-hosted wordpress could in fact reduce your adsense for feed earnings as the summary content may not be enough for Google to show an appropriate ad thereby resulting in poor targeted ads or no ads at all.

WordPress by default sets summary feeds to 50 words only but using a lightweight plugin by PlanetOzh you can increase this limit to 300 words or whatever value you’d like.


Simply copy and paste the code at into a text file and save it with a php extension.

Upload the file via FTP to your wordpress plugin folder and then activate it via your wordpress dashboard.

That’s all folks. Enjoy.

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