How To Get Refunds From BlackBerry Appworld For Unwanted Applications

BlackBerry Appworld Refunds Nigeria

So three days after getting my BlackBerry PlayBook, impatience drove me to purchase a few apps from the BlackBerry Appworld as I was in desperate need of a functional offline RSS reader and I was just not enjoying my journey so far with the available converted BAR files.

I first tried WebReader News RSS Reader as it was the most reviewed RSS reader for PlayBook put it failed woefully in terms of ease of use and configuration. The offline feature was pretty nasty and sometimes the app would just freeze on the settings page. Two hours later I moved on to Read It Offline  and though it has a cleaner interface, it still wasn’t cutting it in the offline area. RSS updates took like forever and you had no way of knowing if it synced for offline reading or just online reading.

Frustration got the best of me as I had just spent $7 on both apps without getting what I wanted. I was just not getting the fabulous RssDemon experience I had enjoyed on my Android device and thus I decided to file for a refund.

It took a while to find the right channel but I finally succeeded at this link:

Truth be told, I was a bit discouraged after reading the BlackBerry Commerce Refund Policy but I just decided to try my luck and see if I could get my money back.

Surprisingly within 2 days, my debit card was credited with $3 for both purchases Open-mouthed smile


  1. My debit card company (Zenith Bank) charges $2 per transaction and this isn’t refundable so instead of the $7 I spent, I only got $3.
  2. When applying for the refund, Nigeria wasn’t listed under the Country section so I used the United Kingdom given that it appears to be the location of the RIM servers that manage BlackBerry services in Nigeria.
  3. I applied for a refund within a week of buying-testing the apps and there have been quite a number of bad reviews about the apps (WebReader News RSS Reader & Read It Offline) in question thus I don’t know if these factors influenced my refund or not.

Finally, RIM BlackBerry  needs to device a way of automatically deleting apps from a customer’s device after they get a refund on any app to avoid fraudulent BlackBerry Appworld refund requests.

P.S: I finally found a functional RssDemon converted bar file that works and that’s what I’m using at the moment. Thanks to Facebook Buddy Emmanuel Idoko Achile for pointing me in the right direction.

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