BlackBerry 10.2 Leaked: Download Links and New Features Within

The much anticipated full version of the upcoming BlackBerry OS 10.2 with Android JellyBean 4.2 runtime finally leaked yesterday and boy was I quick to jump on it. The reviews over at the CrackBerry forum (Elite Team Presents: for ALL DEVICES) were just too good to be true and I had to see for myself.

For those with the BlackBerry Z10 version STL100-1, you can download the OS faster via this resumable link and as always remember that installing leaked OS is at your own risk.

How to install a leaked OS on BlackBerry 10

Anyway,here are some of the awesome features included within this new OS


Top Features of BlackBerry OS 10.2

Less Lag: Some folks claim their Z10 doesn’t lag while some like me have experienced lags on quite a number of occasions. With this new OS, the lags are almost none existent for me but then again, I did a clean install and reinstalled all my apps and emails from scratch. Only time will tell if the lag returns or not.

Improved Instant Actions: You can now tweet or update your Facebook status directly from the search panel. Unfortunately it doesn’t allow for auto mentions yet as you have to manually enter the handle of the user you are trying to communicate with and it doesn’t allow for auto correction of mistakes either. Still I love it.


File Properties: this tiny feature was missing in 10 and has now being added. You can now check the properties of your files from any location in the system. This helps when I’m trying to know the exact location of a file so I can move it when connected to a PC.


Interactive Notifications: Without unlocking your device, you can simply click on your notification icons to see a preview of your messages. By the way to create a screenshot of your locked screen, simply launch the music player, play a song, lock the device and try to unlock it then hit the volume up and down buttons.




Instant Preview: you can now get notifications within any app on the device. It simply pops up at the top and allows you to send a quick reply or jump straight to the message in question



Dedicated BlackBerry Hub icon: takes you straight to the Hub. An unnecessary feature if you ask me. Moving on



Improved Android Player: The android player feels smoother and loads faster and the bottom bar navigation bar can no longer be hidden. Some folks don’t like that but within a short time, I’ve gotten used to it and it helps make navigating converted android apps a lot easier



Priority Hub: Scrolling through your inbox to find flagged messages or messages of important priority is now a thing of the past. Simply go to Priority Hub to find your important messages. As you make daily use of this feature, it takes note of those contacts whose emails have been marked as priority and auto tags them as such making sifting through tons of email and messages a lot easier.

To mark or unmark a message or notification as priority simply select the message and hit the Arrow Up or down button. Flagged messages also appear in the Priority Hub and seem to be marked as Priority automatically.




New Contacts Sync Directly To Google: In OS 10.1 we had issues saving new contacts to our Google accounts. Well, that problem has been solved too as new contacts get saved to all active address books in the phone both online and offline. All new contacts saved on my BlackBerry Z10 now get synced to my Samsung Galaxy Grand instantly. Sweet!

Improved BBM Groups message and picture notifications: You can now disable notifications for BBM groups and pictures uploaded to BBM Groups can now be seen directly in the Hub. I only belong to one group as at the moment and it looks like you can’t silence individual groups but all at the same time. I’ll try and join another group and see what I can find out.



App Manager: Just like it’s available on legacy devices, you can now monitor which apps are consuming CPU, Battery and RAM resources as well as see the default apps for certain actions on the phone. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work for android ported apps as I can’t find a way to make Opera Mini my default browser.



Improved BlackBerry Keyboard prediction: the prediction is mucho mas superb and the keyboard auto detects what language you are typing in and offers the most accurate predictions. Now I can chat in Spanish and English interchangeably without fuss.

The copy, paste, select all and share selection features are now conveniently located within the area as shown below! Awesome. Open-mouthed smile



Quick Share: Do you share a lot to a particular number of apps? BlackBerry 10.2 now makes dem easily accessible to you at the top of the share screen.



Improved music and video player



Easy Browser History Navigation: Simply hold down the back button in the browser to reveal your history


UPDATE: Major issues I’ve noted are Mobile Hotspot doesn’t work and the phone tends to shut down at around 15% but the improved battery life tends to compensate for that. Once my batter hits 30% now I start looking for a charging outlet.

These are some of the features I’ve noticed so far and I’ll be updating them as I discover more.

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Have a great week ahead! Winking smile

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